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Life Plus New Core Line Health Nutrition Supplements.
You'll Look and Feel Better - Guaranteed!
Life Plus Brain Formula

"It provides exactly what it says: unprecedented nutritional and herbal support for maintaining healthy function of the most intricate, mysterious, and delicate organ of the human body."

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Product Information Sheet


Life Plus Brain Formula , ginkgo biloba, ginseng, memory, mental, neurotransmitters, amino acids
nutrition, brain, ginkgo biloba, ginseng, memory, mental, neurotransmitters, amino acids Amazing Threefold Approach to Healthy Brain Function
Antioxidants, Specific Nutrients

and Herbal Concentrates

nutrition, brain, ginkgo biloba, ginseng, memory, mental, neurotransmitters, amino acids

Brain Formula 6104 180 Tablets $69.00

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Ingredient and Scientific References Information

antioxidants, nutrition, ginkgo biloba, ginseng, memory , mental, neurotransmitters Brain Formula - Sustain Mental Clarity.

How will Brain Formula improve my mental well-being?

The final decade of the 20th century witnessed an explosion of research in the neurosceiences. We now have evidence suggesting that the special nutrients and unique plant extracts included in Brain Formula help neurons (brain cells) maintain healthy cellular energy production by promoting healthy mitochondrial function, scavenging free radicals, and promoting healthy blood circulation.*

Antioxidants, specific neurotransmitter nutrients, and synergistic herbal concentrates included in Brain Formula support healthy brain cell communication through the neurotransmitter pathways, and promote healthy blood circulation, especially throughout the vast network of tiny blood vessels of the brain, enabling you to stay focused, alert, and functioning at peak mental capacity.*

Activity of the neurotransmitters nutritionally supported by Brain Formula is associated with healthy mood, memory, mental acuity, and alertness, without need for stimulants such as caffeine.*

Did You Know Dietary and Environmental Factors Affect Our Brain Function?

In order to help ensure that we obtain the necessary nutrients to support healthy mental function in our hectic lives, Life Plus® developed Brain Formula. It provides exactly what it says:  unprecedented nutritional and herbal support for maintaining healthy function of the most intricate, mysterious, and delicate organ of the human body.

Recent research has suggested that dietary and environmental factors play an important role in supporting and maintaining healthy brain function throughout life. Aging and mild memory loss associated with aging have become a major concern for many people in our society. Some people become more absent minded due to the natural aging process, as they grow older, whereas other people reach very advanced ages with excellent mental function. Although the reasons for this difference may be partially genetic, accumulating evidence suggests that nutrition, environmental factors, and lifestyle are also involved.

In order to maintain and promote healthy brain function, one should avoid or minimize the number of lifestyle choices that increase the amount of free radicals in the blood, body, and brain. Some of these lifestyle choices include: smoking, excessive alcohol and/or drug use (prescription and non-prescription), and emotional/mental stress.

Also, one should avoid food and drink, whenever possible, that contain glutamate (MSG) and aspartame (artificial sweetener) which are amino acid compounds that are added as flavor enhancers.

Since these flavor enhancers are so widely used in our food supply (MSG now goes on food labels under many names such as “hydrolyzed vegetable protein” and “autolyzed yeast extract”), avoiding them altogether is difficult, if not impossible. These two amino acids, when used in large quantities as flavor enhancers in manufactured foods and beverages, can over stimulate certain brain cells beyond their ability to sustain and maintain their supply of cellular energy.

Antioxidant Protection In Mature Brains

As we grow older, the ability of our brain cells to generate energy diminishes significantly. In addition, the amount of glutathione and cellular antioxidant enzymes in these brain cells also decreases, thus allowing for a larger accumulation of free radicals.

Studies indicate that by maintaining diets high in antioxidants, individ uals can protect their brain c ells against free radical attack thus helping to retain mental focus, sharpness and acuity as they age.

Mental acuity is crucial in sustaining our overall quality of life. Harsh environmental factors, certain lifestyle choices as well as dietary choices, all make it more imperative that we provide our brains with adequate nutritional support.

Amazing Brain Formula is an Exclusive Threefold Formula

The core of Brain Formula is threefold:

  • antioxidants (tocopherols, vitamin K, B-vitamins, selenium, N-acetyl cysteine, alpha lipoic acid, bioflavonoids)
  • specific brain-supporting nutrients (L-carnitine, N-acetyl-carnitine, dimethylaminoethanol bitratrate, phosphatidyl serine, L-taurine)
  • and herbal concentrates (Ginkgo biloba, Gotu kola, Huperzia serrata, eleuthero ( Eleutherococcus senticosus).

Explosion Of Research In Neurosciences

Neuroscience research indicates that the aforementioned nutrients and plant-derived compounds are capable of:

  • helping neurons (brain cells) maintain healthy cellular energy production by promoting healthy mitochondrial function,
  • and promoting healthy blood circulation, especially throughout the vast network of capillaries (the tiny blood vessels of the brain), both of which are crucial to individual brain cell function.*

Healthy mitochondrial function includes both cellular energy production, and scavenging of free radicals. 

Discover- Amino Acids Support Healthy Moods*

In addition, certain amino acids (L-glutamine, L-phenylalanine, L-tyrosine) that serve as fuel for the critical neurotransmitters that transmit messages between brain cells, are also included in Brain Formula. Activity of these neurotransmitters is associated with

  • healthy mood
  • memory
  • mental acuity
  • and alertness, without need for stimulants such as caffeine.*

A diet rich in fruits, vegetables and high-quality protein and essential fats, pure water, regular exercise, and stress management techniques such as biofeedback, yoga, tai-chi, and meditation, along with these outstanding supplements, can significantly enhance our ability to maintain the priceless resource of an active and agile mind throughout our lifetime.

DIRECTIONS: Three tablets, twice a day.

WARNING:  Phenylketonurics—Contains phenylalanine.  Not for  use by pregnant or nursing mothers.  Persons taking monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAO) should only use this product under the supervision of your physician. As with all dietary supplements, consult your physician prior to taking this supplement if you are on prescription medication or under a doctor’s care.

Formulated in the exclusive PhytoZyme™ base of plant enzymes for bioavailability and over 30 synergistic fruit, vegetable and herbal concentrates for "extra" phytonutrient cofactors.

This product was not tested on animals. Suitable for Vegans.

Ingredient and Scientific References Information

antioxidants, nutrition, ginkgo biloba, ginseng, memory , mental neurotransmitters

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*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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