Peas found by archaeologists on the Thai-Burmese border have been carbon-dated to 9750 B.C..
More than 1,000 varieties of peas are in existence today, (some producing green peas, some yellow).
Peas are a high protein food and a good source of potassium and the B-vitamins. Complex carbohydrates, which peas provide, release energy slowly to the body. This helps to maintain a consistent energy level. Peas are an excellent source of minerals phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and calcium.
One-half cup of cooked peas provides more than 10 grams of dietary fiber. A high fiber diet may help prevent heart disease and some cancers.
Peas are also a good source of Vitamin C, A, and folate.
Peas also contain the important antioxidants Zinc and Selenium.
Improve Your Smile -- Vitamin C is an essential nutrient for healthy skin and gums.