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logo image omega 3 fatty acids EPA, DHA fish oil for healthy brain heart circulatory system.
Life Plus New Core Line Health Nutrition Supplements.
You'll Look and Feel Better - Guaranteed!

"All The Amazing Benefits of Omega 3 Fatty Acid Fish Oil in an Easy to take Capsule!"

line image omega 3 fatty acids EPA, DHA fish oil for healthy brain heart circulatory system.

Product Information Sheet
EPA image omega 3 fatty acids, DHA fish oil for healthy brain heart circulatory system. fishoil image omega 3 fatty acids EPA, DHA fish oil for healthy brain heart circulatory system.
Life Plus logo omega 3 fatty acids EPA, DHA fish oil for healthy brain heart circulatory system. Fish Oil Concentrate
Omega 3 Polyunsaturates

line image omega 3 fatty acids EPA, DHA fish oil for healthy brain heart circulatory system.

EPA - Plus 4033 90 Capsules $21.75

Order Yours Now For Only $21.75 -Click Here!

Each Tablet Supplies:

Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA)
Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA)
180 mg
120 mg

EPA PLUS is formulated from high quality fish oils that are concentrated from the flesh of deep sea, cold water fish and is contained in a natural preservative free gelatin capsule for convenient use.

Why Use EPA Plus?

For years scientists have been puzzled over how Eskimos, who eat so much fat, could have such healthy cardiovascular systems.

After years of study, many scientists have concluded that their health is due to the high amount of Omega-3 fatty acids contained in the fish and other seafood that make up a majority of their diet. In all likelihood, you have probably been hearing quite a bit about the health benefits of Omega-3.

In order for your cells to maintain their thin, fatty, outer membrane, which is needed to transport nutrients in and out of the cell and produce energy, they need essential fatty acids (Omega-3).

These Omega-3 fatty acids:

  • support your heart and circulatory system,
  • brain and central nervous system,
  • your eyes and good vision,
  • as well as promote emotional well being and positive mental outlook.
  • They also help maintain already healthy cholesterol levels.

While nuts, seeds, whole grains and dark leafy greens are all sources of Omega-3, the best sources are from seafood such as tuna, shrimp, salmon, cod, clams, crab, flounder, sole, halibut and catfish.

Unfortunately, many of us do not consume sufficient amounts of Omega-3-rich foods. EPA Plus provides you with an easy, no-hassle way to supplement your diet to ensure that you are obtaining sufficient amounts of this valuable nutrient.

Contains no preservatives, sugar, starch, salt, wheat, yeast, corn, milk, soy derivatives, artificial flavoring or coloring agents.

What is EPA Plus?

EPA Plus is a natural marine-lipid concentrate that contains the valuable Omega-3 fatty acids, EPA (Eicosapentaenoic) and DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid).

During processing, care has been taken to ensure that the concentration of the Omega-3 fatty acids does not contain large amounts of vitamin A and D, which may be found in many other equivalent fish liver and body oils.

Therefore, you can receive the optimal health benefits from Omega 3 without worrying about consuming too much vitamin A or D.

Additional Lifestyle Options to Ensure Health.

In order to support your overall good health, you should include plenty of Omega 3 -rich foods in your regular diet. However, if you are unable to do so on a consistent basis, EPA Plus is the perfect solution.

In addition to supplementing with EPA Plus, you may want to consider including Vita-E-Complex™ (Vitamin E) as part of your supplementation routine to maximize the benefits of EPA Plus.*

It is recommended to take one or two capsules with the two major meals each day. Many individuals also take EPA PLUS with the third meal as well. It is wise to limit the amount of saturated fat in your diet and increase the amount of high quality cold water fish.

order image omega 3 fatty acids EPA, DHA fish oil for healthy brain heart circulatory system.

Fast/Easy Ordering Order Yours Now For Only $21.75 - Click Here!


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If you would like additional information on these products or any of the other products we will gladly E-Mail you information. We are here to serve you. Send mail to:
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*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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