There are over 300 varieties of bananas worldwide and is eaten around the world. Bananas have a history going back to around 500 BC. Alexander the Great mentions it in his conquests. In early Greek civilizations bananas were call the "food of the wise."
A full stalk of bananas can weigh as much as 150 pounds.
Bananas are rich in potassium, calcium, magnesium phosphorus and iron. They are also a good source of Vitamins A and C as well as thiamine, riboflavin and niacin.
Bananas also contain all 8 essential amino acids.
Bananas are a good fuel for the brain because the potassium helps you concentrate and think clearer. Potassium is perhaps the best fuel for the brain.
Bananas are rich in fiber, which absorbs water giving you a full feeling - great for those trying to lose weight.
Rich in magnesium (helps protect circulatory system), potassium and slowly-absorbed sugars. Good source of pectin (a soluble fiber). Prevents radical swings in blood sugar.
Tips: To get green bananas to ripen faster place them in a paper bag. To store the bananas longer keep them cool but not cold.
Fruit contain natural sugars. These sugars stimulate the brain so we can think faster and recall information more quickly. Thus fruit along with raw carrots are excellent food sources to eat prior to engaging in any strenuous mental activity.