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We have very exciting-interesting issue this month!
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Special article on constipation, a very enlightening article on breast cancer and abortion - plus valuable information on indigestion!The PhytoZyme Guys present interesting information on certain vitamins and nutrients and the health benefits they provide.All this and much more. |
James and Jean Sapp |
This is our August Newsletter. Check out our "This and That" Section and "The Story of one of the World's Biggest Failures."
August's Health Newsletter is brought to you by the Lemon Heads - creators of the Exclusive Life Plus PhytoZyme phytonutrient base and leaders of the PhytoZyme team.
In each issue The Lemon Heads will be featuring one of the manufacturing benefits of Life Plus products! Not all nutrition products use these methods, however, we wanted you to know the proper way to manufacture a high quality nutritional product.
The Lemon Heads |
Active Enzymes - The Addition of Active Enzymes to the Life Plus Products Assure you receive the valuable nutrients you paid for and then some. They are not typically found in most nutritional products. Enzymes are important because they are used in food digestion and almost all body functions. Most people today eat way too much processed and fast foods and far too little raw fruits and vegetables. As a result they don't get enough valuable enzymes from the foods they eat. Check out the Life Plus Exclusive Core Line Nutrition Supplements. Collector Card Series 8-2 -Copyright- 2002 |
Synopsis - a variety of articles containing much valuable information concerning calcium, cholesterol and antioxidants.2. ARTICLE - "HEALTH INFORMATION ON CONSTIPATION"
Synopsis - Valuable information on constipation. What causes it and how to prevent it.3. FEATURED ARTICLE - ALEXANDRIA - "Check Out The Wonderful Forever Young Skin Care Products!
Synopsis - Alexandria shows facial skin improved by the Forever Young Skin Care products. .4. ARTICLE - ABORTION AND THE BREAST CANCER LINK.
Synopsis - A link between breast cancer and abortion was clearly indicated in studies conducted in the United States, Japan, Denmark, Italy and Russia.5. ARTICLE - THE PHYTOZYME GUYS PRESENT!
Synopsis - The PhytoZyme Guys present interesting information on certain vitamins and nutrients and the health benefits they provide.6. ARTICLE - INDIGESTION AND HEARTBURN HEALTH INFORMATION.
Synopsis - Health article -on what causes indigestion and heartburn - what is it and methods of treatment.7. HEALTH INFORMATION WEBPAGES
Synopsis - Webpages containing valuable information on a variety of health topics.8. ARTICLE - THIS AND THAT (Mostly THAT)
Synopsis - Story -"The Story of one of the World's Biggest Failures."These are the topics you will be reading in this edition of the newsletter!!!!
Simply if you don't agree that these are the best nutritional and skin care products you have ever tried than return them for a complete refund.
New Feature
Visit Nutrition In the Comics and the "Toon Team."
James and Jean Sapp
"Did You Know?"
Anyone who drinks large amounts of soft drinks need extra amounts of calcium, because of the leaching effects of the ortho phosphoric acid.
Most diets, especially those of teenagers, provide far lower levels of calcium than the recommendations. Because bone mass is built predominantly during adolescence and young adult years, we have to rely on that “bank account” the rest of our lives.
Studies have shown many people with high cholesterol could lower it by significantly increasing their intake of fiber.
Also did you know that many experts believe that the real danger with high cholesterol is not the levels themselves but the oxidation of that cholesterol by free radicals. That is why taking a variety of antioxidants is so important.
For example, some people believe they are constipated, or irregular, if they do not have a bowel movement every day. However, there is no right number of daily or weekly bowel movements. Normal may be three times a day or three times a week depending on the person. In addition, some people naturally have firmer stools than others At one time or another almost everyone gets constipated. Poor diet and lack of exercise are usually the causes. In most cases, constipation is temporary and not serious. Understanding causes, prevention, and treatment will help most people find relief. Who Gets Constipated? According to the 1991 National Health Interview Survey, about 4 1/2 million people in the United States say they are constipated most or all of the time. Those reporting constipation most often are women, children, and adults age 65 and over. Pregnant women also complain of constipation, and it is a common problem following childbirth or surgery. Constipation is the most common gastrointestinal complaint in the United States, resulting in about 2 million annual visits to the doctor. However, most people treat themselves without seeking medical help, as is evident from the $725 million Americans spend on laxatives each year. What Causes Constipation? To understand constipation, it helps to know how the colon (large intestine) works. As food moves through it, the colon absorbs water while forming waste products, or stool. Muscle contractions in the colon push the stool toward the rectum. By the time stool reaches the rectum, it is solid because most of the water has been absorbed. (See figure 1.) The hard and dry stools of constipation occur when the colon absorbs too much water. This happens because the colon's muscle contractions are slow or sluggish, causing the stool to move through the colon too slowly. Figure 2 lists the most common causes of constipation.
Diet The most common cause of constipation is a diet low in fiber found in vegetables, fruits, and whole grains and high in fats found in cheese, eggs, and meats. People who eat plenty of high-fiber foods are less likely to become constipated. Fiber--soluble and insoluble--is the part of fruits, vegetables, and grains that the body cannot digest. Soluble fiber dissolves easily in water and takes on a soft, gel-like texture in the intestines. Insoluble fiber passes almost unchanged through the intestines. The bulk and soft texture of fiber help prevent hard, dry stools that are difficult to pass. On average, Americans eat about 5 to 20 grams of fiber daily, short of the 20 to 35 grams recommended by the American Dietetic Association. Both children and adults eat too many refined and processed foods in which the natural fiber is removed. A low-fiber diet also plays a key role in constipation among older adults. They often lack interest in eating and may choose fast foods low in fiber. In addition, loss of teeth may force older people to eat soft foods that are processed and low in fiber. Not Enough Liquids Liquids like water and juice add fluid to the colon and bulk to stools, making bowel movements softer and easier to pass. People who have problems with constipation should drink enough of these liquids every day, about eight 8-ounce glasses. Other liquids, like coffee and soft drinks, that contain caffeine seem to have a dehydrating effect. Lack of Exercise Lack of exercise can lead to constipation, although doctors do not know precisely why. For example, constipation often occurs after an accident or during an illness when one must stay in bed and cannot exercise. Medications Pain medications (especially narcotics), antacids that contain aluminum, antispasmodics, antidepressants, iron supplements, diuretics, and anticonvulsants for epilepsy can slow passage of bowel movements. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Some people with IBS, also known as spastic colon, have spasms in the colon that affect bowel movements. Constipation and diarrhea often alternate, and abdominal cramping, gassiness, and bloating are other common complaints. Although IBS can produce lifelong symptoms, it is not a life-threatening condition. It often worsens with stress, but there is no specific cause or anything unusual that the doctor can see in the colon. Changes in Life or Routine During pregnancy, women may be constipated because of hormonal changes or because the heavy uterus compresses the intestine. Aging may also affect bowel regularity because a slower metabolism results in less intestinal activity and muscle tone. In addition, people often become constipated when traveling because their normal diet and daily routines are disrupted. Abuse of Laxatives Myths about constipation have led to a serious abuse of laxatives. This is common among older adults who are preoccupied with having a daily bowel movement. Laxatives usually are not necessary and can be habit-forming. The colon begins to rely on laxatives to bring on bowel movements. Over time, laxatives can damage nerve cells in the colon and interfere with the colon's natural ability to contract. For the same reason, regular use of enemas can also lead to a loss of normal bowel function. Ignoring the Urge to Have a Bowel Movement People who ignore the urge to have a bowel movement may eventually stop feeling the urge, which can lead to constipation. Some people delay having a bowel movement because they do not want to use toilets outside the home. Others ignore the urge because of emotional stress or because they are too busy. Children may postpone having a bowel movement because of stressful toilet training or because they do not want to interrupt their play. Specific Diseases Diseases that cause constipation include neurological disorders, metabolic and endocrine disorders, and systemic conditions that affect organ systems. These disorders can slow the movement of stool through the colon, rectum, or anus. Figure 3 lists the diseases that cause constipation. Diseases That Cause Constipation Neurological disorders that may cause constipation include:
Metabolic and endocrine conditions include:
Systemic disorders include:
Problems with the Colon and Rectum Intestinal obstruction, scar tissue (adhesions), diverticulosis, tumors, colorectal stricture, Hirschsprung's disease, or cancer can compress, squeeze, or narrow the intestine and rectum and cause constipation. Problems with Intestinal Function (Chronic Idiopathic Constipation) Also known as functional constipation, chronic idiopathic (of unknown origin) constipation is rare. However, some people are chronically constipated and do not respond to standard treatment. This chronic constipation may be related to multiple problems with hormonal control or with nerves and muscles in the colon, rectum, or anus. Functional constipation occurs in both children and adults and is most common in women. Colonic inertia and delayed transit are two types of functional constipation caused by decreased muscle activity in the colon. These syndromes may affect the entire colon or may be confined to the left or lower (sigmoid) colon. Functional constipation that stems from abnormalities in the structure of the anus and rectum is known as anorectal dysfunction, or anismus. These abnormalities result in an inability to relax the rectal and anal muscles that allow stool to exit. Note: Information in this article was taken from the National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse (NDDIC) is a service of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK). The NIDDK is part of the National Institutes of Health under the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Click Here for more Information. |
FEATURE ARTICLE - ALEXANDRIA - "Check Out The Wonderful Forever Young Skin Care Products!"
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A link between breast cancer and abortion was clearly indicated in studies conducted in the United States, Japan, Denmark, Italy and Russia. One study showed that women who had one or two abortions before a full-term pregnancy doubled their risk, and women who had three or more abortions tripled their risk. Similar conclusions were found from studies conducted in Israel, Canada, France and Japan. ’A Matter of What Is’ "I would have loved to have found no association between breast cancer and abortion, but our research is rock solid, and our data is accurate. It's not a matter of believing, it's a matter of what is," said the pro-abortion Dr. Janet Dailing of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, who has reached the conclusion linking breast cancer to abortion. Thousands of women could die because of the failure of the medical establishment and government to warn women of the link between abortion and breast cancer. British researchers from Populations and Pensions Research Institution, an independent group of statisticians, reported that women who procure abortions double their risks of breast cancer, the British publication The Age reported Dec. 4, 2001. Statisticians examined the incidences of breast cancer and abortion in Finland, Sweden and Great Britain, and concluded that the increasing frequency of the disease was directly related to a climb in the abortion rates. The statisticians determined that as many as half the cases of breast cancer in England and Wales between 1997 and 2023 "will be attributable to abortion." Patrick Carroll, a statistician and author, revealed that breast cancer rates in England would surge from 35,110 in 1997 to 77,000 in 2023. This dramatic increase will occur because of the large number of abortions performed before the first full-term pregnancy. A woman who has never given birth unknowingly subjects herself to greater risks for the disease by having an abortion because her breast cells are in an immature state and are especially vulnerable to carcinogens at that time. Beginning at the outset of pregnancy, estrogen levels climb 2,000 percent and cause a terrific multiplication of breast cells. When she undergoes an abortion, she is left with more cancer-vulnerable cells than she had before the pregnancy. The maturing process known as "differentiation" does not take place until the third trimester and provides a woman with more cancer-resistant cells. |
The Brain and Julie Discuss the Abortion - Breast Cancer Link. |
The New Life Plus Water Machine delivers the finest filtered water for a fraction of the cost of bottled bottle.
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Meet Carol Cantaloupe
This is a new feature which brings you information concerning various vitamins, minerals and other various nutrients and their health benefits. Excellent health reference information. Omega-3 Fatty Acids What they're good for: Help protect the heart and brain. Where you get them: Cold-water fatty fish like salmon and mackerel; vegetable oils, wheat germ, flax seeds, soybeans, tofu, leafy greens and walnuts. DRI or RDA: None. Phytonutrients (such as flavonoids and carotenoids) Where you get them: Plant foods, including soy products and fruits and vegetables, cruciferous vegetables such as Brussels sprouts, cabbage, broccoli, kale, bok choy and cauliflower. DRI or RDA: None. Biotin What it's good for: Metabolizes fats, proteins and carbohydrates, helps in the transfer of carbon dioxide and assists in various metabolic chemical conversions. Where you get it: Cheese, beef liver, cauliflower, eggs, mushrooms, chicken breast, salmon and spinach. Suggested Daily Value: 300 mcg for adults. |
Meet "Cool" The Green Bean
RDA Recommended Dietary Allowances: Nutrient intake recommendations from the Institute of Medicine, an arm of the American Academy of Sciences. RDAs are safe levels of intake for essential nutrients, based on current scientific knowledge. They are set to meet the known nutrient needs of practically all healthy people. RDAs have been around and updated regularly for more than 50 years. RDAs are gradually being replaced by revised guidelines called Dietary Reference Intakes or DRIs. Fiber What it's good for: Clearly important is the role of soluble fiber in maintaining already healthy cholesterol levels and promoting cardiovascular health. Due to its high soluble fiber content, psyllium, similar to the other fibers contained in Colon Formula such as guar gum, maltodextrin-soluble fiber, flaxseed, and alginate, slows the absorption of dietary sugars. This absorption helps to maintain and promote already healthy blood sugar and insulin levels. Where you get it: Fruits, vegetables and whole-grains. Tidbit: If you're upping your fiber intake, do it slowly to avoid stomach upset. Also, drink lots of water. DRI or RDA: None. Vitamin K What it's good for: Helps blood clot. Where you get it: Green beans, green leafy vegetables, dairy products, eggs, meats, cereals, fruits and vegetables. RDA: Between 60 to 65 mcg for women and 70 to 80 mcg for men. |
Meet Oliver Orange
DRI Dietary Reference Intakes: A joint collaboration with Canada and the US, DRIs are revised recommendations for vitamins and minerals from the Institute of Medicine, an arm of the National Academy of Sciences, which will gradually replace the Recommended Dietary Allowances or RDA guidelines. DRIs are being developed for vitamins and minerals that currently have no RDAs. Lycopene What it's good for: A carotenoid is a class of phytochemicals that gives fruit and vegetables their bright colors. This powerful antioxidant helps convert beta carotene into vitamin A. Where you get it: Tomatoes, carrots, sweet potatoes, leafy greens, apricots, papayas and watermelons. DRI: None. Resveratrol What it's good for: breaks down "bad," LDL cholesterol; lowers risk of atherosclerosis. Where you get it: Found in grapes (particularly red) and wine, as well as peanuts, cranberries and mulberries DRI or RDA: None. Sources of Information: National Academy of Sciences (NAS), National Research Council. Recommended Dietary Allowances 10th Edition, Washington, DC: NAS PRess, 1989. Ekhard E. Zeigler and L.J Filer, Jr, Eds. Present Knowledge in Nutrition, 7th Edition. Washington DC: International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI), 1996. |
![]() Indigestion, also known as upset stomach or dyspepsia, is discomfort or a burning feeling in the upper abdomen, often accompanied by nausea, abdominal bloating, belching, and sometimes vomiting. Indigestion might be caused by a disease in the digestive tract, but for many people, it results from eating too much, eating too quickly, eating high-fat foods, or eating during stressful situations. Smoking, drinking too much alcohol, using medications that irritate the stomach lining, being tired, and having ongoing stress can also cause indigestion or make it worse. Some people have persistent indigestion that is not related to any of these factors. This type of indigestion--called functional or nonulcer dyspepsia--may be caused by a problem in the muscular squeezing action of the stomach (motility). To diagnose indigestion, the doctor might perform tests for problems, like ulcers. In the process of diagnosis, a person may have x rays of the stomach and small intestine or undergo endoscopy, in which the doctor uses an instrument to look at the inside of the stomach. Avoiding the foods and situations that seem to cause indigestion in some cases is the most successful way to treat it. Excess stomach acid does not usually cause or result from indigestion, so antacids are not an appropriate treatment, although some people report that they do help. Smokers can help relieve their indigestion by quitting smoking, or at least not smoking right before eating. Exercising with a full stomach may cause indigestion, so scheduling exercise before a meal or at least an hour afterward might help.
Note: Information in this article was taken from the National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse (NDDIC) is a service of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK). The NIDDK is part of the National Institutes of Health under the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Click Here for more Information. |
Antioxidants and Free Radicals
Dietary Fiber and Colon Cleansing
Preventing Heart Attacks and Strokes
Dealing With Anger & Stress
Exercise & Working Out
Information Just For Women
Diet and Eating Tips
Energy Tips
Beauty Tips and Skin Information
The Skin & Antioxidants
General Health and Nutrition Information
Migraine (Migrane) Headaches - Role of Stress
Top 10 Foods for Health & Longevity
Index of Other Articles
Additional Health and Nutrition Information
Index of Past Newsletters
"The Story of a Failure!" |
Article written by James Sapp
(Successful people are just ordinary people who have failed a lot more than others.)
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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Thanks for reading our Newsletter! We hope you learned something new. If you would like more information, please feel free to Email us again.
Thank you and God bless you and your health,
Have an outstanding day.
"Remember the race is not always won by the swiftest but by the person who doesn't give up."
Your health is our goal!
James and Jean Sapp
Life Plus Representatives
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