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This is our Big June Newsletter.
We have very exciting-interesting issue this month!
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Articles - 1. Revealing picture article- On cleansing the colon and digestive tract. 2. Article - We unveil new "PhytoZyme" guys and valuable information on some important minerals. Also - the New Pure Water Machine Water Filter and more!" |
James and Jean Sapp |
This is our June Newsletter. Check out the Thought Provoking Article presented by Jean.
June's Health Newsletter is brought to you by the Lemon Heads - creators of the Exclusive Life Plus PhytoZyme phytonutrient base and leaders of the PhytoZyme team.
The Lemon Heads are featuring one of the manufacturing benefits of Life Plus products! Not all nutrition products use these methods, however, we wanted you to know how Life Plus manufactures their extremely high quality nutritional products.
The Lemon Heads |
Proper pH Balance - High quality Life Plus products are properly pH balanced for maximum value. Natural as possible - Life Plus high quality products use only natural and naturally derived manufacturing aids as much as possible. No Preservatives - Good quality products don't contain dyes or preservatives, yeast, etc. This knowledge is incorporated into the Life Plus Exclusive Core Line Supplements. Collector Card Series 6-2 -Copyright- 2002 |
Synopsis - What are the warning signs of high blood pressure? Also the importance of protein in effective weight loss.2. ARTICLE - TECHNIQUES, EXERCISES, BREATHING, FOODS TO GIVE YOU MORE ENERGY AND A HEALTHIER LIFESTYLE.
Synopsis - Very special article on special techniques, habits and advice for one purpose - provide you a healthier lifestyle and more energy to enjoy life.3. FEATURED ARTICLE - A GRACIE CLASSIC - A GRACIE CLASSIC - IS THIS YOUR COLON AND DIGESTIVE TRACT?
Synopsis - Extremely informative article and comic on the importance of cleansing the digestive tract.4. ARTICLE - NEW PHYTOZYME GUYS!
Synopsis - We introduce 3 new PhytoZyme Guys and Gals (Tim "Todd" the Tomato, Phyllis "Sweet" Potato, and Billy Broccoli) as we unveil the nutrient benefits of tomatoes, sweet potatoes and broccoli. These are just three of the over 31 ingredients in the exclusive Life Plus PhytoZyme base. Plus we have a picture and listing of each of these over 30 characters - all on one page -check it out.5. ARTICLE - "HOT TRENDS AND WHAT'S NEW".
Synopsis - Check out the finest in clean water filters and at 9 cents a gallon - how can you go wrong. Plus important information on water safety.6. ARTICLE - MINERALS AND THEIR IMPORTANCE IN NUTRITION.
Synopsis - Health article - this month features the minerals iodine, copper and cobalt are featured. I think you'll discover some extremely interesting and little known information.7. HEALTH INFORMATION WEBPAGES
Synopsis - Webpages containing valuable information on a variety of health topics.8. ARTICLE - THIS AND THAT (Mostly THAT)
Synopsis - I don't know if we have presented this story before but even if we have it is worth reading again. Don't miss this.These are the topics you will be reading in this edition of the newsletter!!!!
Simply if you don't agree that these are the best nutritional and skin care products you have ever tried than return them for a complete refund.
Tidbits of Health Information
Risk Factors for High Blood Pressure*
High blood pressure is a risk factor for congestive heart failure, myocardial infarction (heart attack), diabetes, valvular heart disease, and cardiomyopathies (diseases of the heart muscle).
Editor's Note: Work with your primary care provider to keep your blood pressure under 140/90.
Source: Journal of the American Medical Association, Vol. 275, No. 20
Risk Factors for High Blood Pressure*
- Overweight (often, losing just 10 pounds can help)
- Alcohol consumption
- High-sodium (salt) diet (10% to 15% of Americans are sensitive to salt)
- Family history of hypertension
- Smoking
- Too little calcium (e.g., nonfat dairy) and potassium (e.g., fruits and vegetables) in the diet
- Medications (some prescription and nonprescription drugs either raise blood pressure, or interfere with the effectiveness of blood pressure-lowering drugs)
A "normal" blood pressure is 120/80 or lower. If your upper (systolic) pressure is consistently 140 or higher, and/or your lower (diastolic) pressure is 90 or higher, you have high blood pressure ("hypertension").
Source: The Hope Heart Institute, Seattle
Increasing protein intake to 25% of calorie intake increases both fat loss and weight loss, according to a new study. In this study, 65 obese patients consumed a diet containing 30% fat. They were divided into two groups. One group's diet contained only 12% protein and the other group is 25%.
After six months, the group eating the higher protein diet and lost 75% more weight. The group eating more protein also lost significantly more fat- 16.7 lbs. vs. 11.2 lbs.
High Protein Products.
AminoLyze Liquid Collagen Protein
Slender Now Protein Super Shake
You probably wouldn't want to live in a house with all this trash and debris in it. Most of us clean our homes on a fairly regular basis. This picture obviously is silly. We certainly wouldn't let our houses look like this. Yet we live in our body more than our living room.We clean our homes on a regular basis. Shouldn't we use a colon cleansing supplement like Colon Formula on a regular basis? Yet how often do we cleanse our colon and digestive tract?
The New Life Plus Water Machine delivers the finest filtered water for a fraction of the cost of bottled bottle.
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Meet Tim Todd Tomato
The tomato seems to have originated on the western coast of South America, in present day Peru, where eight species in the tomato genus still grow wild in the Andes Mountains. It seems to have been domesticated in Central America. This was around the time the Spanish explorer Cortez conquered the Aztec city of Tenochtitlan, later to be renamed Mexico City, in 1521. It is presumed that the tomato found its’ way across the Atlantic shortly after. Lycopene, one of nature's most powerful antioxidants, is found almost exclusively in tomatoes. Following is a summary of the promising lycopene research conducted during the past few years.
There may also be an association between heart health and tomatoes. In a study conducted by University of North Carolina scientists, the fat samples drawn from both heart attack sufferers and healthy controls were analyzed for lycopene and other carotenoids. They found significantly more lycopene in the fat of the controls than the heart patients. Not surprisingly, the diet of the control group was also higher in tomato products. Material taken in part from the Florida Tomato Committee website at Also about 500 years ago people with money had plates made of pewter. Food with high acid content caused some of the lead (in the pewter) to leach onto the food, causing lead poisoning and death. This happened most often with tomatoes, so for the next 400 years or so, tomatoes were considered poisonous. |
Meet Phyllis "Sweet" Potato
When asked about the difference between a yam and a sweet potato, they will usually answer, "The yam is that orange or deep red potato we bake or roast for Thanksgiving." Unfortunately, they have eaten both kinds of sweet potatoes while swallowing the myth. There are no yams on the American dinner table. What we call yams are really just a variety of sweet potato. Sweet potatoes in their many varieties are a highly nutritious food, easy to prepare, heavenly tasting, and extremely versatile on any menu. Yet, they are undervalued, ignored, and under appreciated. Some people enjoy the wonderful flavor and health benefits of sweet potatoes year round, but for many families sweet potatoes appear on the table at Thanksgiving and only then. We know of some folks who have never even eaten a sweet potato. Sweet potatoes were actually born in Mexico, Central, and South America, as well as the West Indies. Their botanical name, Ipomoca batata, was derived from the American Indians of Louisiana who were growing them in native gardens as early as 1540. The Indians referred to sweet potatoes as batatas. In his first voyage to the West Indies Columbus discovered many new foods which he brought back to Spain. Sweet potatoes were among his ship's treasures. The Spanish relished them and began cultivating them immediately. Soon they were profitably exporting them to England where they were included in spice pies to be devoured at the court of Henry VIII. True yams, however, are nothing like the sweet potato, but are a tuber native to Africa, very starchy, not very sweet, and grow as large as 100 pounds. It was the Southerners, mainly from North Carolina, Georgia, and Louisiana, who adopted the name yams for the darker-skinned orange variety and made them an important part of their cuisine. "Yams" were so important in the South that during the American Revolution and the Civil War, they were said to have sustained the fighting soldiers. The sweet potato deserves to be on the highest perch because it is a nutritional powerhouse with 4 ounces of cooked pulp supplying 2 grams of protein, 3.4 grams of fiber, 24.6 mg of vitamin C, 28 mg of calcium, 22.6 mcg of folic acid, 20 mg of magnesium, 348 mg of potassium, and a whopping 21822 I.U. of vitamin A. That's mighty impressive for only a half cup serving. The skins, which are completely edible, add even more fiber. |
Meet Billy Broccoli
Broccoli has been around for more than 2000 years, although Americans have grown it in their gardens for only 200 years! WOW! During the sixteenth century, the plant was grown in France and Italy. Little was known about this vegetable until the 1920's, when the first commercially grown broccoli was grown and harvested in Brooklyn, New York. Broccoli grows best in areas with a cool climate and moist soil. Over 90 percent of broccoli is grown in California. Broccoli is the best known member of the cruciferous family of vegetables - so named because the petals have a cross shape. Broccoli, and its cousins, Brussels sprouts, kale, cabbage, cauliflower, mustard and turnip greens, collards, kohlrabi, rutabaga and turnips all contains nutrients, compounds and phytochemicals as well as providing calcium (6% of the daily recommended value), iron (6% of the RDV) and 20% of the recommended amount of fiber. Eating more broccoli increases your dietary intake of potassium, folate, fiber and dietary flavonoids found in the cruciferous family, and in citrus fruits. Broccoli contains a few important phytochemicals: beta-carotene, indoles and isothiocyanates. Phytochemicals can also help boost enzymes. |
Life Plus Pure Water Machine!
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Counter Top Model
Under Counter Model
Pure Water Machine
Minerals and Their Importance in Nutrition The term ‘ minerals ‘ refers to elements in their simple inorganic form. In nutrition they are commonly referred to as mineral elements or inorganic nutrients. Minerals are vital to health. Like vitamins and amino acids, minerals are essential for regulating and building the trillions of living cells which make up the body. Body cells receive the essential food elements through the blood stream. They must, therefore, be properly nourished with an adequate supply of all the essential minerals for the efficient functioning of the body. Minerals help maintain the volume of water necessary to life processes in the body. They help draw chemical substances into and out of the cells and they keep the blood and tissue fluid from becoming either too acidic or too alkaline. The importance of minerals, like vitamins, is illustrated by the fact that there are over 50,000 enzymes in the body which direct growth and energy and each enzyme has minerals and vitamins associated with it. Each of the essential food minerals does a specific job in the body and some of them do extra work, in teams, to keep body cells healthy. The mineral elements which are needed by the body in substantial amounts are calcium, phosphorous, iron, sulphur, magnesium, sodium, potassium and chlorine. In addition the body needs minute (trace) amounts of iodine, copper, cobalt, manganese, zinc, selenium, silicon, fluorine and some others. IODINE The chief store-house of iodine in the body is the thyroid gland. The essential thyroxine, which is secreted by this gland, is made by the circulating iodine. Thyroxine is a wonder chemical which controls the basic metabolism and oxygen consumption of tissues. It increases the heart rate as well as urinary calcium excretion. Iodine regulates the rate of energy production and body weight and promotes proper growth. It improves mental alacrity and promotes healthy hair, nails, skin and teeth. The best dietary sources of iodine are kelp and other seaweeds. Other good sources are turnip greens, garlic, watercress, pineapples, pears, artichokes, citrus fruits, egg yolk and seafoods and fish liver oils. The recommended dietary allowances are 130 mcg. per day for adult males and 100 mcg. per day for adult females. An increase to 125 mcg. per day during pregnancy and to 150 mcg. per day during lactation has been recommended. Deficiency can cause goitre and enlargement of the thyroid glands. Small doses of iodine are of great value in the prevention of goitre in areas where it is endemic and are of value in treatments, at least in the early stages. Larger doses have a temporary value in the preparation of patients with hyperthyroidism for surgical operation. COPPER There are approximately 75 to 150 mg. of copper in the adult human body. Newborn infants have higher concentrations than adults. Liver, brain, kidney, heart, and hair contain relatively high concentration. Average serum copper levels are higher in adult females than in males. Serum copper levels also increase significantly in women both during pregnancy and when taking oral contraceptives. This mineral helps in the conversion of iron into haemoglobin. It stimulates the growth of red blood cells. It is also an integral part of certain digestive enzymes. It makes the amino acid tyrosine usable, enabling it to work as the pigmenting factor for hair and skin. It is also essential for the utilization of vitamin C. Copper is found in most foods containing iron, especially in almonds, dried beans, peas, lentils, whole wheat, prunes and egg yolk. The recommended dietary allowance has not been established but 2 mg. is considered adequate for adults. A copper deficiency may result in bodily weakness, digestive disturbances and impaired respiration. COBALT Cobalt is a component of vitamin B12, a nutritional factor necessary for the formation of red blood cells. Recent research in vitamin B12 has shown that its pink color is attributed to the presence of cobalt in it. The presence of this mineral in foods helps the synthesis of hemoglobin and the absorption of food- iron. The best dietary sources of cobalt are meat, kidney and liver. All green leafy vegetables contain some amount of this mineral. No daily allowance has been set. Only a very small amount up to 8 mcg. is considered necessary. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. |
Antioxidants and Free Radicals
Dietary Fiber and Colon Cleansing
Preventing Heart Attacks and Strokes
Dealing With Anger & Stress
Exercise & Working Out
Information Just For Women
Diet and Eating Tips
Energy Tips
Beauty Tips and Skin Information
The Skin & Antioxidants
General Health and Nutrition Information
Migraine (Migrane) Headaches - Role of Stress
Top 10 Foods for Health & Longevity
Index of Other Articles
Additional Health and Nutrition Information
Index of Past Newsletters
Article Presented by Jean Sapp
TIME INVESTED To realize the value of ONE MONTH, ask a mother who gave birth to a premature baby. To realize the value of ONE WEEK, ask the editor of a weekly newspaper. To realize the value of ONE DAY, ask a daily wage laborer with kids to feed. To realize the value of ONE HOUR, ask the lovers who are waiting to meet. To realize the value of ONE MINUTE, ask a person who missed the train. To realize the value of ONE SECOND, ask a person who just avoided an accident. To realize the value of ONE MILLI-SECOND, ask the person who won a silver medal in the Olympics.
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Well, that does it for now. If at any time you do not wish to receive this newsletter, just e-mail us, and we will be happy to take your name off the list. Just let us know. If you like the newsletter, we'd like to hear that too! Thanks again, and we hope to hear from you soon!
Thanks for reading our Newsletter! We hope you learned something new. If you would like more information, please feel free to Email us again.
Thank you and God bless you and your health,
Have an outstanding day.
"Remember the race is not always won by the swiftest but by the person who doesn't give up."
Your health is our goal!
James and Jean Sapp
Life Plus Representatives
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