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This Issue -New Patent Pending Weight Loss Technology!(This Product Is Incredible -Read the New SlenderLean Press Release-Click Here!)Life's Questions & Answers (Comic With Howard "The Not so Wise" and "The Brain")Comic -Grunhelga fighting the "Battle of the Bulge" with the Pretty and Fat Fairies (weight loss tips)! |
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Healthy Nutrition with Enzymes and Phytonutrients from over 30 different Plants Fruits and Vegetables.
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Exclusive Brand New Exclusive Weight Loss Technology- -Patent Pending This Product Has Been Incredible. Life's Questions and Answers. Test your knowledge \Trivia -Health and more. Compare OPC to grape seed extract. A Weight Loss Comic and some valuable weight loss tips. Plus some interesting human interest stories.Here are some of the comments we recently received in regards to our newsletter.
Since 1995- James and Jean Sapp at your Service! |
Jim, Thanks, |
"You know Brain, have you tried out the exclusive new SlenderLean Weight Loss product? It is an incredible new weight loss product-check it out!"
TABLE OF CONTENTS:1. ARTICLE - "Trivia- Questions and Answers with Mr. Brain." 2. ARTICLE - HEALTH BYTES. 3. SPECIAL ARTICLE - Evidence Shows Proanthenols OPC Vastly Superior to Other OPC Products! 4. FEATURED ARTICLE - Grunhelga fighting the "Battle of the Bulge" with the Pretty and Fat Fairies! 5. ARTICLE - New Weight Loss Diet Technology- SlenderLean. 6. ARTICLE - This and That! 7. HEALTH INFORMATION WEBPAGES These are the topics you will be reading in this edition of the newsletter!!!! |
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1. True or False - A typical 100 ton blue whale will eat it's own weight in food each month?"
2. True or False - Real Proanthenols OPC contains from 4-7 times more OPC than Grape Seed or Pine Bark Extract? 3. True or False - Virtually all the of the drugs used to treat allergies are antihistamines.. 4. True or False - THE NUMBER 2 ITEM (besides heavy exercise) that requires the most energy in your body is Digestion. This is why proper digestion of food is most important. . 5. True or False - Mosquitoes are most attracted to the color blue.. 6. True or False - Studies suggest lower LDL Cholesterol levels are not achieved through the replacement of saturated fat with carbohydrate, but rather through replacing saturated fat with monounsaturated and/or polyunsaturated fat, both equally effective options. .7. True or False - Most wild birds only live 50% of their potential lifespan. 8. True or False - Taking 5.5 gm of omega-3 fatty acids (fishoil) each month can reduce risk of cardiac arrest by 50%. 9. True or False - A giraffe can clean it's ears with it's tongue. 10. True or False - Grocers got their name from the grocery store. |
The Brain - Mr. Q and A!
(With Howard "The Not so Wise" and "The Brain")
![]() Howard: Well Ber-ain we have sum mo-are questions this month from our ray-ders. Sum dufus asks if beans are bene-fish-all. Why heck everyone knows my barb-aq beans are the best in town! Whatever mo-ron said dat - donts know beans! Brain: Actually Howard I believe the reader was referring to the nutritional value of beans not your barbaqued beans! Howard: Than Ber-ain we have sum cumpleet idio-it want tus no if da luvel of people whos -r mad at me could a-fect ma health! I suppose it dapends on how mad at me they are. I reckun they thinks I stole thar girl - Bessie-Mae. Brain: Actually Howard I believe the reader was referring to humidity or moisture levels. I think you need to clean the hair out of your ears. Howard: That's a-right Ber-ain. Now har's sum dumb ray-der wants to know if air affects fruits and vegetables. Duh- dat dupends on the plant - sum plants grows under the ground like the p-nut. Othurs grows in the air on trees and vines. Man what a mo-ron. Brain: Actually Howard that's not what I believe the person meant. Howard: Well of course nots - nobody means to be stu-pid day jus is! Q Are beans really that good for me? The brighter, darker-colored beans contain flavonoid antioxidants. The anthocyanins, found in grapes and red wine, give kidney beans their red color. Exact measurements have not yet been made but it appears that a cup of colored beans has about the same amount of antioxidants as a glass of red wine. By using the water or broth in which the beans are cooked, you obtain many of the nutrients that were lost by the beans during cooking. Using the bean water or broth in soups, rice or sauces is a great way to enhance their nutritional content. Vegetarians should combine legumes and grains as much as possible in order to obtain the benefits of the full amino acid spectrum they offer. Q. How does the humidity level in my house affect my health?A. People, especially children, living in homes where the air is high in humidity, are twice as likely to have respiratory problems than those living in homes where the air is low in humidity. Constant high-humidity promotes the growth of airborne fungi, bacteria, molds, and allergens. In addition, wet air may more readily carry pollutants. However, sometimes when the air is dry adding some moisture to the air helps support the residents respiratory function. Q. Does air affect fresh fruits and vegetables? Therefore, in order to preserve as much of their antioxidants as you can prior to serving, wait as long as possible to cut them up. Keep your fruits and vegetables covered and refrigerated until immediately before serving. If you must set them out a few minutes prior to serving, leave the cover on them until the last minute. This helps preserve their nutritional value, especially their antioxidants. |
FEATURED ARTICLE - Grunhelga fighting the "Battle of the Bulge" with the Pretty and Fat Fairies!
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Brand New Weight Loss Diet Technology - Patent Pending!(Read the Press Release for the New SlenderLean -Click Here!)New SlenderLeanThis is a brand new product and should not be confused with the old SlenderLean product.This completely unique and patent-pending product is the culmination of many years of research, which have resulted in a proprietary botanical blend that can never be duplicated.
The only survivor of a shipwreck was washed up on a small, uninhabited island. He prayed feverishly for God to rescue him, and every day he scanned the horizon for help, but none seemed forthcoming. Exhausted, he eventually managed to build a little hut out of driftwood to protect him from the elements, and to store his few possessions. But then one day, after scavenging for food, he arrived home to find his little hut in flames, the smoke rolling up to the sky. The worst had happened; everything was lost. He was stunned with grief and anger. "God, how could you do this to me!" he cried. Early the next day, however, he was awakened by the sound of a ship that was approaching the island. It had come to rescue him. "How did you know I was here?", asked the weary man of his rescuers. "We saw your smoke signal," they replied. It is easy to get discouraged when things are going bad. But we shouldn't lose heart, because God is at work in our lives, even in the midst of pain and suffering. Remember, next time your little hut is burning to the ground-it just may be a smoke signal that summons the grace of God. For all the negative things we have to say to ourselves, God has a positive answer for it.
Inspirational Story
Antioxidants and Free Radicals
Dietary Fiber and Colon Cleansing
Preventing Heart Attacks and Strokes
Dealing With Anger & Stress
Exercise & Working Out
Information Just For Women
Diet and Eating Tips
Energy Tips
Beauty Tips and Skin Information
The Skin & Antioxidants
General Health and Nutrition Information
Migraine (Migrane) Headaches - Role of Stress
Top 10 Foods for Health & Longevity
Index of Other Articles
Additional Health and Nutrition Information
Index of Past Newsletters
1. True - A typical 100 ton blue whale does eat it's own weight in microscopic krill each month. 2. True - Plus real Proanthenols OPC is active as an antioxidant much longer than typical Grape Seed or Pine Bark extract. 3. True - Another thing you should know about antihistamines is that they only work 40 to 60 percent of the time. All of the antihistaminesand there are dozens of varieties availablecan adversely affect heart rhythms. Side effects seen with antihistamines range from bothersome to life threatening. As always, you're better off trying natural approaches that deal with the problem at its root before relying on prescription drugs that do nothing but temporarily relieve symptoms. E-mail us if you are interested in a couple of natural remedies. 4. True - THE NUMBER 2 ITEM (besides heavy exercise) that requires the most energy in your body is Digestion. This is why proper digestion of food is most important and Digestive Formula (enzymes) is such an important product. 5. True - Mosquitoes are most attracted to the color blue. 6. True - That is why fats from natural sources like nuts and fatty acids from fish are so beneficial. 7. False - Most wild birds only live 10% of their potential lifespan. 8. True - Try the EPA Plus product from Life Plus - an excellent Omega-3 Fatty Acid fish oil product. 9. True - A giraffe can clean it's ears with it's tongue. 10. False- Grocers got their name because they sold food by the gross. |
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Well, that does it for now. We hope you'd like to see more free information, contests, and other things we have planned for you in our newsletter. But if you don't want this private information, just tell us so. We'll be sad, but we'll honor your request.Thank you and God bless you and your health,
Have an outstanding day.
"Remember the race is not always won by the swiftest but by the person who doesn't give up."
Your health is our goal!
James and Jean Sapp
Life Plus Representatives
e-mail: james@lifeplusvitamins.com
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